Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Back in Business

Well, I planted the metaphorical grape seeds. I wrote the books. I sold one of them. I have others out there looking for homes. I scratched the itch that I'd had all these years. Time to let those seeds mature. Let's see what kind of wine they yield.

Now it's time to get on with my business career. The reality is that it takes a long while for these things to mature...the writing things, I mean. Too long. The savings are dwindling, so I'm going back to the real world. I'm not sad. I'm just being realistic. Fact is, I've missed the travel that working in the energy business afforded me. I miss living overseas especially. It's about time to scratch the new itch.

I won't stop writing, but I won't be doing it 8 to 5. I'll do it after I come home at night, or on the weekends, or on holidays. But, for the time being, the only writing I'll be doing is polishing up the resume and typing up emails to prospective employers. At least I should be a lot better a that sort of writing than I was a few years ago.

It's been fun.

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